Those who love God

And we know that God causes all things to work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to his purpose. Romans 8:28

Who can claim this verse?  Is it a promise God gives everyone? It says…’to those who love God’.  Therefore, we must draw the conclusion that God works all things together for good for THOSE WHO LOVE GOD.

Now, I know a lot of people that SAY they love God.  And I know a lot of people who try to portray an outward picture of loving God.  But do those people really love God just because they say it or just because they are good at trying to represent what it might ‘look’ like to love God?

I’m not trying to start trouble, I’ve just observed that in our Christian culture today we see a lot of empty talkers and a lot of Oscar performances that would lead us to believe that a person must love God but well I just wonder….if we aren’t seeing fruit from our Christianity are we really LOVING GOD?

How do we know? How do I know that I love God in the way that would cause HIM to work all things together for good?

Let me take a risk and say it has nothing to do with my Love but everything to with God’s love for me.  I think its about understanding and accepting God’s love for me.  It has a lot to do with obedience and giving my all things and every hope to Christ Jesus, as Lord of my life.  Its not about just believing IN God but BELEIVING GOD.  Trusting that He is who He says He is and knowing that when HE says He will work it together for good, He will indeed do it!

Loving God is about active FAITH.  A belief in God that creates a fervent love that somehow takes over your life and compels you to trust in the unseen and believe in that which is unbelievable.  Those that love God, love Him only because HE first loved us and it was that LOVE that transformed us to Love God back.

Lets pray:  Work it together for good, Lord, for those who love you and are called according to your purpose…..WHOA hold up, we have to be called to?  I thought we could just have all things work together for good….don’t fear, I just happen to know you have been called according to His purpose and I’ll prove it to you!


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