Last year, my husband and I went on a date with some dear friends.  Truth is we were just getting to know each other but I just knew they would turn into dear friends.  I think we went to dinner and then walked about downtown….perhaps on our way to McMenamins fire pits…and we stopped at the arcade to try our skills at pinball! pinball As we were playing The Simpsons pinball machine, every time you missed the ball the machine would say “stupid failure”, and we died laughing!  Now its a running joke to say “stupid failure” at the right opportune moment to get a good natured dig in!

Last week our pastor taught on 2 Timothy 3:16-17, you can listen to it HERE.

All Scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness, that the man of God may be complete, equipped for every good work.

I don’t know about you but I’ve started and stopped a lot of good bible reading plans.  Often times my good intentions at the beginning of the year lead to defeat and disappointment as my fervor for the plan slowly dies.  I’ve often felt like a “stupid failure”, perhaps even that God is disappointed in me or that I don’t measure up to the “super spiritual” that read through the bible every year!

Over the years I’ve gained an understanding of 2 Timothy 3:16-17 that has transformed my attraction to the bible.  One of the things Pastor Phil said in the sermon is that you have to buy in!  You have to be resolved in your heart that there is VALUE in reading the bible.  It’s clear from this one small scripture in the bible that GODS WORD is profitable for teaching, good to bring correction, great for building righteousness and in it you will be made complete for EVERY good work.  I’ve learned that the VALUE of God’s word to transform my sick heart is above and beyond the value of sleeping in, or reading a good novel, or watching that stupid TV show.  IT changes me!

It may seem silly, in a way, to think that simply reading words in the bible would have any affect on a a persons life but it does!

For the word of God is living and active, sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing to the division of soul and of spirit, of joints and of marrow, and discerning the thoughts and intentions of the heart ~Hebrews 4:12

God’s word is indeed active.  It does something in you that is unexplainable. If you don’t believe me, open your bible and read 1 John every day for 30 days and be convinced yourself that there IS value!

So, You wanna know the best way to be a “stupid failure” at reading the bible?

Not reading it!

This is the one fool proof way to hear the words “stupid failure” being thrown around in your mind.  It is, however, helpful to have a plan. Proverbs 21:5 says The plans of the diligent lead surely to abundance, but everyone who is hasty comes only to poverty. 

Planning leads to abundance.

So, what is your plan?  Sure you can go get a new bible that takes you through the writings of scripture in chronological order, or you could start a bible plan using the YouVersion app and check mark your way through the bible OR you could do the Brek Paul reading plan!  Its the plan I’m following this year and so far there are no “stupid failure” sounds swirling around in my head.

For years, I’ve watched my dear husband open his bible to the place where his bible ribbon rested and read.  Sometimes he’d read a long time and other times I would watch him read one or two verses and then just stare into the distance.  When he was done with his time (5 minutes to 1 hour, no rules, no regulations,  no check marks) he would replace the ribbon where he left off and close his bible.  I never see him stress out over the fact that he didn’t open his bible one day.  He doesn’t keep a journal or have a bag full of highlighters.  He simply opens the bible and reads!  I know its earth shattering!  So much so, that I decided to try it his way and see how “my expectations” slip to the side and God’s word just comes alive.

You are not a “stupid failure”.  I am not a stupid failure.  The only way we can fail at this is to not open our bibles.  If you miss a day, so be it, just open the bible the next day!  Set your heart and your intention to read, then just read!

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